Posted by: Eating The Road | December 21, 2009

What Should I Eat? Candy Edition (Flowchart)

Happy Holidays to everyone out there. I hope you enjoy it with family and friends. What better thing to have during those endless parties and gatherings but a delicious piece of candy. The only problem is standing in the candy aisle with all those options staring right back at you. Ever since you first set eyes on the row after row of delectable treats as a child you’ve had this problem. Well we here at Eating The Road have taken the hard work out of it for you. Follow this handy flowchart to sweet bliss. The only thing you’ll have to decide now is whether or not it’s okay to flirt with your hot cousin that’s coming over for the family Christmas Eve dinner.

Head over to Top Cultured to see the Candy Flowchart, be sure to see our other flowcharts as well:

Fast Food
Chain Restaurant
Freezer Aisle
Produce Aisle


  1. I love the new graph, but where do half-eaten chocolate easter bunnies that have been in the fridge for 6 months fit in?

    • Haha….right next to the circus peanuts…..or I guess…”Is it that time of the month?” 😛

  2. nice work buddy. I will print this so my office mates can see

  3. Giving Props to Take 5 – Very Cool!

    but are you mocking my childhood friend the Whatchamacallit? What would I have done with a whatchamacallit? I’d be …iunno ….more hungry I guess.

    Nice chart as always!

    • 🙂 I don’t know if I’ve ever actually had one.

      I remember this like mad though:

      • oh man, now i’m going to have that jingle stuck in my head.

        whatchamacallit – ya gotta try it!

  4. But where do those circus peanuts and candy corn belong?

  5. Is this saying that circus peanuts and candy corn don’t belong in any decision? If so, that’s pretty funny.

  6. Where the hell is Zagnut???

  7. At some point or another I’ve had most of that candy. This could explain why I am overweight… But I don’t care! Give me more!

  8. What, no Oh Henry? The candybar that’s mostly nuts?


    Awesome chart! It’s like a roadmap of my life, right down to the marginalization of circus peanuts, which are vile.

    “Do you like to eat chalk?”. Hilarious.

  9. nice work buddy. I will print this so my office mates can see..

    • Send me a picture. I would love to see that!

  10. The Candy Corn and Marshmallow Peanuts aren’t linked!

  11. Am I glad there’s no path leading to nuclear peanuts and nuclear corn.

  12. Yummy. I love candy and this flowchart rocks.

  13. Since when does Candy Cane count as chocolate? Come on now!!!

  14. FYI chocolate covered pretzels are the “time of the month” candy. Salty and Sweet is key to choosing a “time of the month” snack.

  15. I think everybody should try some Vienamese food. It’s very good.

    Your girl Mary 🙂

  16. I love candy and this flowchart rocks.

  17. Awesome chart! It’s like a road map of my life, right down to the marginalization of circus peanuts, which are vile.

  18. Nice’s like a roadmap of my life, right down to the marginalization of circus peanuts, which are vile.

  19. It’s like a road map, right down to the marginalization of circus peanuts, which are vile.

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  21. i like your idea its very good i want to try it will also would like to add candys are a fantastic

  22. the video was amazing. i liked the video a lot.

  23. thanks for sharing. nice article. video also seemed great to me.

  24. I’m a bit confused. Is that “under no circumstances should you eat candy corn or circus peanuts”, or is that “you should probably always just eat candy corn or circus peanuts”?

  25. WOW ..Great Chart!

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